Konu: Posta kutuma düşen bu mesaj belki birilerini ilgilendirir

Hi Folks,

1. New Book: "Using SQLite to Bypass the 2 GB .DBF Filesize Limit"

The .DBF file format has been a standard for desktop applications
for over 30 years. Pretty much every application can read and write
to some sort of .DBF file.

The xBase family of tools is an excellent tool for manipulating data,
just as a spreadsheet is an excellent tool for manipulating numbers.
One use is to import data from other formats, such as text files,
and slice and dice it once stored in a .DBF. Over the past decade,
though, it's become commonplace to run into data sets in other formats
bump up against the 2 GB limit.

Once they grow larger than two gigabytes, though, dealing with them
on a desktop level becomes a problem, since they can't be directly
imported into a DBF.

What is needed is an intermediate mechanism that can import a raw
text file of any size and then allow the user to slice and dice
the data as needed. Enter SQLite.

This 92 page ebook describes how to install, configure and use SQLite
both by itself and then how to connect to it with VFP and use the two
to bypass the 2 GB filesize limit for .DBF files.

Visit www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/sqlite2gb.htm for details.

2. "Dealing with Reserved Words as Data Names in VFP Apps"

Reserved words used as table and field names in .DBF files
can cause a number of problems. Having been tripped up in
the past by this myself, I did a detailed analysis of
reserved words that are likely to cause problems for most
folks. Then I came up with strategies to deal with the
various situations that can be encountered.

Our 40 page ebook presents an exhaustive analysis of common
gotchas and presents a variety of solutions. Includes the
definitive database of reserved words and conflicts, routines
used to create the database, and a program to analyze your
data set and compare it against this list of reserved word
conflicts. Just $10 for the ebook and source code.

Visit www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/reservedwords.htm for details.

3. "So, You've Inherited a VFP Application..." - Updated!

Our 122 page ebook smorgasbord of ideas, advice, and wisdom
for dealing with that Visual FoxPro application that landed
on your lap after the last developer became unavailable was
updated in late March. Still just $10.

It now contains 132 pages of tips and tricks, and also
includes 10 small programs to help you determine
the size and scope of an application you're evaluating:

* Finding unused files in a project or folder
* How big are the tables, programs, forms and reports in a project
* Auditing the data in a table, including
* - Date spans
* - How 'empty' fields are
* - Duplicate names
* - Normalization considerations
* - Reserved word conflicts

Some say these short scripts are worth the price of the book itself.

Visit www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/inheritvfp.htm for details.

4. The Business Case for VFP in 2013

Last fall, I wrote a lengthy position paper for Visual
FoxPro. "The Business Case for Visual FoxPro in 2013" lays
out a detailed argument for when VFP is a good choice for
application development, and when it is not. No emotions,
no FUD, simply facts.

I've talked with devleopers daily since, and it turns out
that many still don't know about this document. If you're
trying to make the decision about whether to continue to
use VFP for existing projects, ord to use it for a new
application, this position paper will help you evaluate
your needs and make the decision one way or the other.

Perhaps more importantly, it provides an objective view
that you can take to your management, fellow developers,
and customers who are similarly wondering about VFP's
future now that the EOL is just two years away.

Visit www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/businesscase.htm for details.

Whil Hentzen


Re: Posta kutuma düşen bu mesaj belki birilerini ilgilendirir

Erdal abi, paylaşımın için teşekkürler smile

Hayat bir bisiklete binmek gibidir. Pedalı çevirmeye devam ettiğiniz sürece düşmezsiniz. Claude Peppeer
Kusuru söylenmeyen adam, ayıbını hüner sanır.  Türk Atasözü