Konu: Alphanumeric key incrementing routine

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Visual Fox Pro

* Creates next string key from the passed one using specified set of characters
* Parameters
*    1 - Current Key
*    2 - Defines the list of allowed characters
*        BASEnn - See DO CASE in the body of the program
*        CUSTOM - the list of character as parameter 3
*    3 - List of characters
* Returns     Next key
*   Note 1  Routine ignores (doesn't change) positions with the characters not in the specified list
*   Note 2  When max possible value is reached, the next return value will be the min possible value
LPARAMETERS tcOldVal, tcOpt, tcCharList
LOCAL lcNewVal, i, lcDigits, lcLetters, lnCharListLen, lcOldChar, lcNewChar, lcCharList, lnPos, lcOpt
LOCAL lnNextPos
lcOpt = IIF(EMPTY(tcOpt), "BASE10", UPPER(tcOpt))
* Get the list of appropriate characters
lcCharList = NextKeyFillCharList(lcOpt, tcCharList)
lnCharListLen = LEN(lcCharList)
lcNewVal = tcOldVal
* Scan string from the right to the left
FOR i = LEN(lcNewVal) TO 1 STEP -1
    lcOldChar = SUBSTR(tcOldVal, i, 1)
    * Is the current charater in the list?
    lnPos = AT(lcOldChar, lcCharList)
    IF lnPos = 0
        * Not in the list, keep it
    * Get the next character position
    lnNextPos = (lnPos % lnCharListLen) + 1
    * Get the next character
    lcNewChar = SUBSTR(lcCharList,lnNextPos,1)
    * Stuff it back in the string
    lcNewVal = STUFF(lcNewVal, i, 1, lcNewChar)
    * Check if we have to carry over to the next position
    IF lnNextPos > 1
        * We are done
* Fill the list of characters based on character set requested
FUNCTION NextKeyFillCharList
LPARAMETERS tcCharSet, tcCharList
LOCAL lcCharList, lcDigits, lcLetters
* Fill string 'lcCharList' with appropriate characters
lcDigits = "0123456789"
CASE tcCharSet = "CUSTOM" 
    lcCharList = tcCharList
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE10"
    * Just Digits
    lcCharList = lcDigits
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE16L"
    * Hexadecimal in lower case
    lcCharList = lcDigits + "abcdef"
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE16"
    * Hexadecimal in upper case
    lcCharList = lcDigits + "ABCDEF"
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE26L"
    * Lower case letters
    lcCharList = LOWER(lcLetters)
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE26"
    * Upper case letters
    lcCharList = lcLetters
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE36L"
    * Digits + Lower case letters
    lcCharList = lcDigits + LOWER(lcLetters)
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE36"
    * Digits + Upper case letters
    lcCharList = lcDigits + lcLetters
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE52"
    * All letters
    lcCharList = lcLetters + LOWER(lcLetters)
CASE tcCharSet == "BASE62"
    * Digits + All letters
    lcCharList = lcDigits + lcLetters + LOWER(lcLetters)
    * The same as BASE10
    lcCharList = lcDigits
RETURN lcCharList

* Rollover to min value (Base10)
? NextKey("999999")            && 000000

* Next value (Base16)
? NextKey("999999", "Base16")  && 99999A

* Dash ('-') has not been changed
? NextKey("999-FFF", "Base16")  && 99A-000