Konu: vb kodu fox a cevirme

vb bılen arkdaslar varsa asadakı kodu fox da rica etsem
Dim col As JSColumn
Dim fmtCon As JSFmtCondition

    'This procedure sets bold style to all the products on sale

    'Get the OnSale column
    Set col = GridEX1.Columns("OnSale")
    'add a format condition for the products on sale
    Set fmtCon = GridEX1.FmtConditions.Add(col.Index, jgexEqual, True)
    'Set FontBold property to True in the FormatStyle for this condition
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.FontBold = True
    'set the Group Condition too
    With GridEX1.FmtConditions
        .ApplyGroupCondition = True
        .ShowGroupConditionCount = True
        .GroupConditionCountTitle = "On Sale"
        Set fmtCon = .GroupCondition
    End With

    fmtCon.SetCondition col.Index, jgexEqual, True
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.FontBold = True

    'Add another format condition for discontinued products
    Set col = GridEX1.Columns("Discontinued")
    Set fmtCon = GridEX1.FmtConditions.Add(col.Index, jgexEqual, True)

    'Set properties in the FormatStyle for this condition
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.FontStrikethru = True
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.ForeColor = vbGrayText
End Sub


Re: vb kodu fox a cevirme

Visual Fox Pro
LOCAL col As JSColumn 

local fmtCon As JSFmtCondition
    *'This procedure sets bold style to all the products on sale
    *'Get the OnSale column
    col = GridEX1.Columns("OnSale")
    *'add a format condition for the products on sale
    #define jgexEqual 0 && dogru deger neyse ver
    #define True .T.
    fmtCon = GridEX1.FmtConditions.Add(col.Index, jgexEqual, True)
    *'Set FontBold property to True in the FormatStyle for this condition
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.FontBold = True
    *'set the Group Condition too
    With GridEX1.FmtConditions
        .ApplyGroupCondition = True
        .ShowGroupConditionCount = True
        .GroupConditionCountTitle = "On Sale"
        fmtCon = .GroupCondition
    fmtCon.SetCondition( col.Index, jgexEqual, True )
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.FontBold = True
    *'Add another format condition for discontinued products
    col = GridEX1.Columns("Discontinued")
    fmtCon = GridEX1.FmtConditions.Add(col.Index, jgexEqual, True)
    *'Set properties in the FormatStyle for this condition
    #define vbGrayText -2147483631
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.FontStrikethru = True
    fmtCon.FormatStyle.ForeColor = vbGrayText


Re: vb kodu fox a cevirme

ellerine saglık big_smile