Konu: Belki ilgilenen ve işine yarayan olur

Sevgili Arkadşlar,
Posta kutuma aşağıdaki mesaj düştü. Belki ilgilenen veya faydalanmak isteyen olur.

Hi Folks,

1. It's 2010. Ready to convert that Fox/DOS or Fox 2.x system to Windows??

It's quite a tribute to the Fox architecture and ingenuity of Fox programmers
that there are so many FoxPro/DOS and FoxPro 2.x/Windows systems still out
there. However, with the fifth major version of Windows gaining traction,
some of those systems are looking mighty long in the tooth. They serve a
business purpose well, but need some major updating.

Do you have one of those systems and have been hankering to convert it to
VFP, but simply don't have the time - or the expertise - to do so?

I've been designing and building new applications as well as
upgrading existing applications for companies who don't have
the resources to undertake major development in-house for
nearly two decades.

Indicators continue to show that the economic climate is starting to pick up.
I've been seeing more and more requests for help with conversion to VFP over
the last six months. Now would be an excellent time for you to get rolling, too.

If you're thinking of getting a project underway, and need an
extra set of hands to get that project started, give me a shout...
... at whil@whilhentzen.com

2. FoxRockX, January/February '10 - In this issue:

- Editorial: Get on the VFPX Bandwagon, Rick Schummer
- VFPX: SCCTextX, Rick Schummer
- Deep Dive: Introduction to GDIPlusX, Part 2, Doug Hennig
- New Ways: Take advantage of SQL improvements, Tamar E Granor PhD
- New Ways: String.Format for VFP, Eric Selje
- New Ways: Where's the Beef?, Jim Booth
- VUProjectTools: Updating project files from source control
  management, Venelina Jordanova, Uwe Habermann

Visit www.foxrockx.com and www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/zcatalog.htm
for details.

3. Effective Techniques with VFP 9.0, 2nd Edition available in ebook form

Effective Techniques for Application Development with Visual FoxPro 6.0
was the first VFP book we published, way back when the year had '19' in
it. "Provide wisdom" was my charge to Jim Booth and Steve Sawyer back
then; they delivered in spades. Ten years later, Jim has updated the
book for VFP 9, adding 150 pages to a tome already packed with insight.

Details, including a full table of contents, are available here:


This edition was produced by Rainer Becker, of dFPUG fame, in simultaneous
German and English versions. We're handling the English ebook distribution.

Order online now, at


Whil Hentzen, Hentzenwerke Publishing

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Re: Belki ilgilenen ve işine yarayan olur

ARKADAŞLAR...bir fox2.6 kullanıcısıyım. Visual ' yeni geçtim. Bir formdan başka bir forma formun içeriğini kopyaladığım zaman' ISMOUSEOUT ' hata mesajı alıyorum. yardımcı olrusanız sevinirim (örneğin FORM1 görüntüsünü FORM2 ye kopyalıyoryum, FORM2 çalışıyor ancak kısa bir süre sonra ISMOUSEOUT mesajı ile kesiyor. Şimdiden teşekkürler.... bu arada yaşım 55 smile


Re: Belki ilgilenen ve işine yarayan olur

Abi dememe gerek var mi? Ben henuz 50 yim:)
IsMouseOut bildigim kadariyla bir VFP komutu ya da fonksiyonu, metodu vs degil.

"Bir sure sonra" ve IsMouseOut diye bir isim olunca, tahminen, bir timer var ve timer devreye girince mouse'un bir kontrolun uzerinde olup olmadigina bakiyor. Hata mesaji cikinca debug'ta nerede verdigine, call stack'e filan bak. Yardim edebilir.

Not: "Foxpro 2.x'ten gecenler" benzeri bir baslikla birseyler yazmistim bir zamanlar. Bir bak istersen.