Konu: SQLBulkCopy

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vfp + sql tarafinda column count ve name lerinin aynisi olmasi sarti disinda diger kısımları anlayamadim sad

Visual Fox Pro
&&SqlBulkCopy is defined in System.Data.SqlClient namespace. Here is .Net code (COM interop version) + a test prg.

&& Target platform: x86
&& Register for COM interop
&& Assumptions: Table has the same columns on both VFP side and SQL server side (that is: column count and column names match. Ordinals may be different).
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SbcOle
    public class cbSBC
        public string SourceConStr = "";
        public string TargetConStr = "";
        public string DestinationTable = "";
        public string SourceTable = "";
        public int Odometer = 1000;
        public int ReadAtOnce = 10000; // records count to read at once from VFP to prevent OutOfMemoryException
        public int BulkCopyTimeout = 864000;
        public int RowsToCopy = 0;
        public int RowsCopied = 0;
        private int rowsBefore = 0;
        public delegate void delFeedbackProgress(SbcState state, string message);
        public event delFeedbackProgress Feedbackprogress;
        public void DoBulkLoad(int mode)
            if (mode > 0)
                BackgroundWorker bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
                bgWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bgWorker_DoWork);
                bgWorker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bgWorker_ProgressChanged);
                bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
        private void BulkLoad()
            // get source columns
            OleDbConnection source = new OleDbConnection(SourceConStr);
            OleDbCommand getSourceColumns =
                new OleDbCommand(String.Format("select * from {0}", SourceTable), source);
            OleDbDataReader rdr = getSourceColumns.ExecuteReader();
            string[] srcColumns = GetColumnNames(rdr);
            // Get Schema
            SqlConnection sCon = new SqlConnection(TargetConStr);
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format("select * from {0} where 1=2", DestinationTable), sCon);
            SqlDataReader sRdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            // get target columns
            string[] trgColumns = GetColumnNames((IDataReader)sRdr);
            DataTable schemeTable = sRdr.GetSchemaTable();
            bool hasGuidColumn = false;
            foreach (DataRow row in schemeTable.Rows)
                if ((row["ProviderSpecificDataType"]).ToString() == "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid")
                    hasGuidColumn = true;
            if (hasGuidColumn)
                DoBulkLoadWithDataTable(srcColumns, trgColumns);
                DoBulkLoadWithDataReader(srcColumns, trgColumns);
        public string[] GetColumnNames(IDataReader rdr)
            string[] colNames = new string[rdr.FieldCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < rdr.FieldCount; i++)
                colNames[i] = rdr.GetName(i);
            return colNames;
        void bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            RaiseEvent(SbcState.RunWorkerComplete, "Runworker Completed");
        void bgWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        void bgWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
        private void DoBulkLoadWithDataReader(string[] srcColumns,string[] trgColumns)
            OleDbConnection source = new OleDbConnection(SourceConStr);
                // Read with a false where to grab schema from SQL server - like set fmtonly on/off
                SqlConnection sCon = new SqlConnection(TargetConStr);
                // Load from source into existing schema
                OleDbCommand getRowCount = new OleDbCommand(String.Format("select count(*) from {0}", SourceTable), source);
                RowsToCopy = Convert.ToInt32(getRowCount.ExecuteScalar());
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.ReadingFromSource, String.Format("Rows to copy {0}", RowsToCopy));
                int startRow = 0;
                int endRow = startRow + ReadAtOnce;
                while (startRow < RowsToCopy)
                    OleDbCommand sourceCmd = new OleDbCommand(
                        String.Format("select * from {0} where recno() > {1} and recno() <= {2}",
                               SourceTable, startRow, startRow + ReadAtOnce),
                    RaiseEvent(SbcState.ReadingFromSource, "Reading from source...");
                    using (OleDbDataReader rdr = sourceCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        RaiseEvent(SbcState.ReadingFromSource, String.Format("Read {0} - {1} from source...", startRow, Math.Min(startRow + ReadAtOnce, RowsToCopy)));
                        UploadBlock(rdr, sCon, srcColumns, trgColumns);
                        rowsBefore = Math.Min(startRow + ReadAtOnce, RowsToCopy);
                    startRow += ReadAtOnce;
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.Complete, "Bulk loading completed.");
            catch (Exception e)
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.Error, e.Message);
        private void DoBulkLoadWithDataTable(string[] srcColumns, string[] trgColumns)
            OleDbConnection source = new OleDbConnection(SourceConStr);
            DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
                // Read with a false where to grab schema from SQL server - like set fmtonly on/off
                SqlConnection sCon = new SqlConnection(TargetConStr);
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format("select * from {0} where 1=2", DestinationTable), sCon);
                SqlDataReader sRdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                // Load from source into existing schema
                OleDbCommand getRowCount = new OleDbCommand(String.Format("select count(*) from {0}", SourceTable), source);
                RowsToCopy = Convert.ToInt32(getRowCount.ExecuteScalar());
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.ReadingFromSource, String.Format("Rows to copy {0}", RowsToCopy));
                int startRow = 0;
                int endRow = startRow + ReadAtOnce;
                while (startRow < RowsToCopy)
                    OleDbCommand sourceCmd = new OleDbCommand(
                        String.Format("select * from {0} where recno() > {1} and recno() <= {2}",
                               SourceTable, startRow, startRow + ReadAtOnce),
                    RaiseEvent(SbcState.ReadingFromSource, "Reading from source...");
                    using (OleDbDataReader rdr = sourceCmd.ExecuteReader())
                    RaiseEvent(SbcState.ReadingFromSource, String.Format("Read {0} - {1} from source...", startRow, Math.Min(startRow + ReadAtOnce, RowsToCopy)));
                    UploadBlock(tbl, sCon, srcColumns, trgColumns);
                    rowsBefore = Math.Min(startRow + ReadAtOnce, RowsToCopy);
                    startRow += ReadAtOnce;
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.Complete, "Bulk loading completed.");
            catch (Exception e)
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.Error, e.Message);
        private void UploadBlock(DataTable tbl, SqlConnection sCon, string[] srcColumns, string[] trgColumns)
            // Upload
            using (SqlBulkCopy bc = new SqlBulkCopy(sCon))
                for (int i = 0; i < srcColumns.Length; i++)
                    bc.ColumnMappings.Add(srcColumns[i], trgColumns[i]);
                bc.BatchSize = 500;
                bc.BulkCopyTimeout = BulkCopyTimeout;
                bc.NotifyAfter = Odometer;
                bc.DestinationTableName = this.DestinationTable;
                bc.SqlRowsCopied += new SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler(bc_SqlRowsCopied);
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.WritingToServer, "Writing to server...");
        private void UploadBlock(OleDbDataReader rdr, SqlConnection sCon, string[] srcColumns, string[] trgColumns)
            // Upload
            using (SqlBulkCopy bc = new SqlBulkCopy(sCon))
                for (int i = 0; i < srcColumns.Length; i++)
                    bc.ColumnMappings.Add(srcColumns[i], trgColumns[i]);
                bc.BatchSize = 500;
                bc.BulkCopyTimeout = BulkCopyTimeout;
                bc.NotifyAfter = Odometer;
                bc.DestinationTableName = this.DestinationTable;
                bc.SqlRowsCopied += new SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler(bc_SqlRowsCopied);
                RaiseEvent(SbcState.WritingToServer, "Writing to server...");
        void bc_SqlRowsCopied(object sender, SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs e)
            RowsCopied = rowsBefore + (int)e.RowsCopied;
                String.Format("Copied {0} rows", RowsCopied));
        void RaiseEvent(SbcState state, string message)
            if (this.Feedbackprogress != null)
                this.Feedbackprogress(state, message);
        public string CreateGUID()
            return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    public interface IcbSBCEvents
        void Feedbackprogress(SbcState state, string message);
    public enum SbcState
        Idle = -1,
        Error = 0,
        ReadingFromSource = 1,
        WritingToServer = 2,
        CopyRows = 3,
        Complete = 4,
        RunWorkerComplete = 5
    //public class SbcEventArgs : EventArgs
    //    public SbcState state = SbcState.Idle;
    //    public string message = "";
* Test.prg
lcSourceDb = 'c:\MyFolder\MyDatabase.dbc'
lcTargetDb = 'MySQLDb'
lcSourceTable = 'myTableName' && w/o extension
lcTargetTable = 'myTableName'
Local o As "cbNetCOM.cbSBC"
o = Createobject("cbNetCOM.cbSBC")
o.SourceConStr='Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source='+m.lcSourceDb
o.SourceTable      = m.lcSourceTable
o.DestinationTable = m.lcTargetTable
o.ReadAtOnce = 10000 && default 10000
o.Odometer=10000 && inform per 10000 - default 1000
o.BulkCopyTimeout = 5 * 60 && if not completed in 5 minutes fail with timeout
                           && default 864000 - 10 days
Define Class SBCEvents As Session OlePublic
  oHook = Null
  tStart = 0
  BulkMode = 0
  pBar = Null
  Procedure Init(loHook,nMode,oBar)
    This.oHook  = loHook
    This.tStart = Seconds()
    This.BulkMode = m.nMode
    This.pBar = oBar
  Procedure IcbSBCEvents_Feedbackprogress(state As VARIANT, Message As String) As VOID
    If state = 3
      ? Textmerge('[<<this.oHook.DestinationTable>>]'+;
        ' Copied <<this.oHook.RowsCopied>> of <<this.oHook.RowsToCopy>>')
      If state = Iif(This.BulkMode=0,4,5)
        ? Textmerge('[<<this.oHook.DestinationTable>>]'+;
          ' completed in <<SECONDS()-this.tStart>> seconds.')
        ? This.oHook.rowscopied,Textmerge('[<<this.oHook.DestinationTable>>] <<message>>')

ayrica Dough Hennig'in br kodu var asagidaki gibi ondada hatada yok ama kaydolan bir sey de yok sad . Dough  errorLog ekledinmi diye sordu loBulkLoad.ErrorLogFile = 'xml_load.txt' ekledim koda ama gene degisen bir sey olmadi.

Visual Fox Pro

CREATE CURSOR crsTest(ad c(20),soyad c(50))
INSERT INTO crsTest values('soykan','ozcelik')
INSERT INTO crsTest values('dh ozcelik','ozcelik')
SELECT crsTest
* Function:        BulkXMLLoad
* Purpose:         Performs a SQL Server bulk XML load
* Author:          Doug Hennig
* Last revision:   07/06/2006
* Parameters:      tcAlias    - the alias of the cursor to export
*                  tcTable    - the name of the table to import into
*                  tcDatabase - the database the table belongs to
*                  tcServer   - the SQL Server name
*                  tcUserName - the user name for the connection (optional:
*                    if it isn't specified, Windows Integrated Security is
*                    used)
*                  tcPassword - the password for the connection (optional:
*                    if it isn't specified, Windows Integrated Security is
*                    used)
* Returns:         an empty string if the bulk load succeeded or the text of
*                    an error message if it failed
* Environment in:  the alias specified in tcAlias must be open
*                  the specified table and database must exist
*                  the specified server must be accessible
*                  there must be enough disk space for the XML files
* Environment out: if an empty string is returned, the data was imported into
*                    the specified table
Function xml_copy2_sql
    Lparameters tcAlias, ;
        tcTable, ;
        tcDatabase, ;
        tcServer, ;
        tcUserName, ;
    Local lnSelect, ;
        lcSchema, ;
        lcData, ;
        lcReturn, ;
        loException As Exception, ;
        lcXSD, ;
    * Create the XML data and schema files.
    lnSelect = Select()
    Select (tcAlias)
    lcSchema = Forceext(tcTable, 'xsd')
    lcData   = Forceext(tcTable, 'xml')
        Cursortoxml(Alias(), lcData, 1, 512 + 8, 0, lcSchema)
        lcReturn = ''
    Catch To loException
        lcReturn = loException.Message
    * Convert the XSD into a format acceptable by SQL Server. Add the SQL
    * namespace, convert the  start and end tags to ,
    * use the sql:datatype attribute for DateTime fields, and specify the table
    * imported into with the sql:relation attribute.
    If Empty(lcReturn)
        lcXSD = Filetostr(lcSchema)
        lcXSD = Strtran(lcXSD, ':xml-msdata">', ;
        lcXSD = Strtran(lcXSD, 'IsDataSet="true">', ;
            'IsDataSet="true" sql:is-constant="1">')
        lcXSD = Strtran(lcXSD, '<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">', ;
        lcXSD = Strtran(lcXSD, '</xsd:choice>', ;
        lcXSD = Strtran(lcXSD, 'type="xsd:dateTime"', ;
            'type="xsd:dateTime" sql:datatype="dateTime"')
        lcXSD = Strtran(lcXSD, 'minOccurs="0"', ;
            'sql:relation="' + Lower(tcTable) + '" minOccurs="0"')
        Strtofile(lcXSD, lcSchema)
        * Instantiate the SQLXMLBulkLoad object, set its ConnectionString and other
        * properties, and call Execute to perform the bulk import.
            loBulkLoad = Createobject('SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkload.4.0')
            lcConnString = 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=' + tcDatabase + ;
                ';Data Source=' + tcServer + ';Persist Security Info=False;'
            If Empty(tcUserName)
                lcConnString = lcConnString + 'Integrated Security=SSPI'
                lcConnString = lcConnString + 'User ID=' + tcUserName + ;
                    ';Password=' + tcPassword
            Endif Empty(tcUserName)
            loBulkLoad.ConnectionString = lcConnString
            *** Can set the ErrorLogFile property to the name of a file to write import
            *** errors to
            loBulkLoad.KeepNulls        = .T.
            loBulkLoad.Execute(lcSchema, lcData)
            loBulkLoad.ErrorLogFile = 'xml_load.txt'
            lcReturn = ''
        Catch To loException
            lcReturn = loException.Message
        * Clean up.
        Erase (lcSchema)
        Erase (lcData)
    Endif Empty(lcReturn)
    Select (lnSelect)
    Return lcReturn

2 Son düzenleyen, cetinbasoz (13.02.2009 18:22:04)

Re: SQLBulkCopy

Doug'un ki calissaydi ben benimkini hic yazmayacaktim:) Onu yazmadan once benim forumlarda sorum vardi, Doug'da onu onerdi ama benim icin calismadi + cok yavas calissaydi da kullanmazdim.

Is cok kolay. Benim gonderdigim kodda bir C# bolumu var bir de VFP test.prg VFP test pogramini nasil kullanacagin zaten belli. C# kodunu derlemen gerekiyor (ve dll'i nereye koyarsan ona gore VFP'de implements satirtini duzeltmen). Derlemesi kolay:

-DOS Command prompta cik
cd "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727"

ya da varsa:
cd "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5"

Ilgili dizinde aasgidakileri yapacaksin (ben c:\temp kullandim ama ben zaten VS2008 command prompt kullaniyorum, csc, sn, regasm pathde)

notepad sbcole.cs ile C# kodunu copy&paste sakla (ilk using  ile test.prg oncesindeki son } arasi - onlar dahil)

Not: Benim mesajlar 3.5'tan. 2.0 mesajlari benzer ama versiyon numarasi farkli.

C:\temp>sn -k cetinbasoz.snk

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 3.5.30729.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Key pair written to cetinbasoz.snk

C:\temp>csc /t:library /keyfile:cetinbasoz.snk sbcole.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2008 Compiler version 3.5.30729.1
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 3.5
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\temp>dir sbcole.*
 Volume in drive C is XPBoot
 Volume Serial Number is A8FA-725C

 Directory of C:\temp

02/13/2009  05:52 PM            11,728 sbcole.cs
02/13/2009  05:53 PM            10,240 sbcole.dll
               2 File(s)         21,968 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  64,700,743,680 bytes free

C:\temp>regasm sbcole.dll /codebase
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility 2.0.50727.3053
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2004.  All rights reserved.

Types registered successfully


Istersen regasm ile register etmeden once sbcole.* dosyalarini bildik bir yere sakla orada yap. VFP test programi malum.

VFP de hizli test (dogru yaptin mi diye):

Visual Fox Pro

? o.

Intelisense devreye girmesi gerekiyor burada

? o.CreateGUID()


Re: SQLBulkCopy

tesekkurler kod icin hocam cok isime yarayacak smile