Konu: WAN IP Adresi Bulma

bi kod da benden smile
daha oncede sorulmustu galiba ama genede yayinlayayim dedim

Kaynak : UT

Visual Fox Pro

Function GetPublicIpAddress()
*!* Returns public IP address
*!* Works under all conditions, routers, proxies, etc.
*!* Works in all Windows versions from 95 to Vista
*!* Downloads a file from a public HTTP server
    #Define ERROR_SUCCESS    0
        m.lcUrl As String, ;
        m.lcFile As String, ;
        m.lcIP As String
*!* Generate a random Temp file name:
    m.lcFile = Addbs(Sys(2023)) + Sys(3)
*!* Add fake parameter to avoid web caching:
    m.lcUrl = "http://checkip.dyndns.org" + "?" + Sys(3)
*!* Set default value to return if API call fails:
    m.lcIP = ""
*!* Attemp to download file:
    If apiURLDownloadToFile(0, m.lcUrl, m.lcFile, 0, 0) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
*!* Check if file was created:
        If File(m.lcFile) Then
*!* Extract IP from file:
            m.lcIP = Substr(Filetostr(m.lcFile), 77)
            m.lcIP = Left(m.lcIP, Len(m.lcIP) - 16)
            Delete File (m.lcFile)
    Return m.lcIP
Function apiURLDownloadToFile(m.pCaller, m.szURL, m.szFileName, m.dwReserved, m.lpfnCB)
    Declare Integer URLDownloadToFile In urlmon.Dll As apiURLDownloadToFile;
        Integer pCaller, ;
        String szURL, ;
        String szFileName, ;
        Integer dwReserved, ;
        Integer lpfnCB
    Return apiURLDownloadToFile(m.pCaller, m.szURL, m.szFileName, m.dwReserved, m.lpfnCB)