Konu: Excelden Veri Alma

Excel dosyasından import edilmeksizin yani DBF haline dönüştürmeksizin direkt olarak veri almak ve mevcut bir tabloya kaydetmek mümkün müdür? Örneğin urun adı ve fiyati şeklinde iki sütünu bulunan bir DBF tablosuna, aynı şekilde A sütünunda urun adı, B sütünunda da fiyatı şeklinde hazırlanmış verileri içeren bir excel tablosundan herhangi bir yöntemle (import hariç) nasıl veri alabiliriz? Yardımlarınız için şimdiden teşekkürler..


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

&& excel 2007 icin gecerlidir

Visual Fox Pro
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\myFolder\myExcel2007file.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=YES";


Visual Fox Pro
Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq=C:\MyExcel.xls;DefaultDir=c:\mypath;

&&SQL syntax "SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]". I.e. excel worksheet name followed by a "$" and wrapped in "[" "]" brackets.

Visual Fox Pro
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\MyExcel.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";

kaynak http://www.connectionstrings.com/


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Visual Fox Pro

     DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb);
     FIL=excel 12.0;
lnHandle = SQLStringConnect(m.lcConn)
SQLTables(m.lnHandle,"", "SheetNames")
    lcTableName = Trim(SheetNames.Table_Name)
    lcOutput = Chrtran(m.lcTableName,' $','_')
    SQLExec(lnHandle,'select * from ['+m.lcTableName+']',m.lcOutput )


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Çetin bey yazdığınız kodu nasıl çalıştıracağız..Form üzerinde herhangi bir butonun click indemi yoksa prg de mi..Biraz saçma bir soru oldu..Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim...


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Nerde istersen. Heryerde calisacak sekilde bir kod.
Baslangic icin tamamini sec, sag klikle ve 'Execute selection' sec.


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Sayın Başöz cehaletimi maruz görünüz. Kodu çalıştırdığımızda ilgili .xls dosyası getfile ile isteniyor. Kod çalışıyor ancak verileri nereye atıyor. Database içinde verilerin ekleneceği DBF dosya adı nasıl tanımlanacak. Kod içindeki sheetname, tablename tanımlamalarına dosyaların ismi mi yazılacak.. Kısacası kodun nasıl çalıştığını verileri nasıl ekleyeceğini anlayamadım.. Anlayışızlığım şimdiden affola..


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Kodu calıstırdıktan sonra command windowda:

set [ENTER]

Excelde "tablolar" adlarını içinde bulundukları sayfadan aliyorlar. Ek olarak bazı sistem tabloları da olabilir. Yani gercek adları senin excel dosyana baglı.


? m.lcOutput

eklersen her aldığı tablonun adını o sırada görebilirsin.


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Çetin bey yardımlarınız için çok teşekkür ediyorum. Ancak asıl amacım örneğin vfp projemde urunler adlı bir dbf tablom var. İçinde urunadı ve fiyat bilgileri tutuluyor. Excelde A sütununda urunadı verileri B sütununda fiyat verileri (örneğin 50 çeşit ürün ve karşılarında fiyatları var) bulunan bir tablodan INSERT INTO veya başka bir yöntemle Excel tablosunu import ile dbf haline dönüştürmeden kayıtları eklemek mümkün müdür şeklinde sormak istemiştim. Bununla ilgili verileri eklemeyi sağlayan bir kod var mıdır? Diğer türlü önce excel tablosunu dbf formatına dönüştürmek sonra da INSERT INTO ile isteğim tabloya eklemek zorunda kalıyorum. Belki biraz fazla oldu ama şimdiden tekrar tekrar teşekkürler..


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

sanırın aradığın cevap;
excel import sonucu oluştutulan cursor:"lcOutput" diyelim.

Visual Fox Pro
Select * From lcOutput  Into Array arrOutput

Select "esasdbf"
Append From Array arrOutput

kendi kodunu buraya yazarsan daha sağlıklı sonuçlar alabilirsin diye düşünüyorum.

Bilmediğin Neyse Yanıldığındır.


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

herkese merhabalar,
çetin bey'in yazmış olduğu bir kodu kullanarak exceldeki kayıtları dbf ye almaya çalıştım karakter alanların olduğu sütunlar dbf te memo alan olarak çıkıyor.Sorunu nasıl düzeltebilirim ,yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim.

Visual Fox Pro

lcConn = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};"+;
lnHandle = SQLStringConnect(lcConn)
SQLTables(lnHandle,"", "SheetNames")
    lcTableName = Trim(SheetNames.Table_Name)
    lcOutput = Chrtran(m.lcTableName,' $','_')
    SQLExec(lnHandle,'select * from ['+m.lcTableName+']',m.lcOutput )
Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Haddim olmayarak ve üstadların affına sığınarak şöyle birşey önerebilir miyim?

use fiyat.dbf
append from urun.xls xls

Ufak bir deneme yaptım. Gayet guzel çalıştı.


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

"Haddim olmayarak ...." filan demene hic gerek yok. Burasi hepimizin fikirlerini soyleyebilecegi bir aile ortami. Ve inan bana (bircok yabanci forumda aktif olarak bulundum/bulunuyorum)  herkesin biribirine bu kadar sevgi saygi gosterdigi ikinci bir forum yok. Sadece dikkat etmen gereken, soyledigin sey ile ilgili sana "su sundan olmaz" filan gibi cevap gelirse, yanlis anlama ve onu soyleyene kizma (bu da baska forumlardan alinganlik bende - acik acik ornek kodla olmayacagini gosterdigim halde ne laflar yedigimi bir bilsen:).

Aktif katilim ayni zamanda ogrenmenin de en iyi yollarindan birisi. Kendini test etmis olursun, arti yanlisin varsa duzeltilirse (veya birsey eklenirse) onu ogrenirsin.

Simdi neden o yolu secmemen gerektigine gelince:

append from ... type XLS

dediginde XLS dosyasi belli bir verisyonun uzerinde olmamali (en son Excel 5 ile calisiyor diye hatirliyorum - kullanmadigimdan nereye kadar yukselttiler bilmiyorum). Yani yeni versiyonlarda calismamamsi problem. Eger yeni versiyonlarda da calisiyorsa o zaman ben uzun zamandir guvenip denememisim demektir:)


adresinde her iki yon icinde ornek kodlar var. Bildigim en saglam yontem.


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

çetin bey yine memo alan olarak çıkıyor

Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Ben memo olarak cikmaz dedigimi hatirlamiyorum. Normali de oyle olmasi zaten, Excelde string alanin uzunlugunu belirten birsey yok bildigim kadariyla. Onemli olan alman. Aldiktan sonra butun yapman gereken cast().


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Visual Fox Pro
Select Cast(A1 as d(8)) From btsiplis

cast işlemi her kolon için tek tekmi yapılıyor,bununla ilgili örneği olan varmı ?

Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Evet tarık. Her kolon için tek tek yapılıyor.

Hayat bir bisiklete binmek gibidir. Pedalı çevirmeye devam ettiğiniz sürece düşmezsiniz. Claude Peppeer
Kusuru söylenmeyen adam, ayıbını hüner sanır.  Türk Atasözü


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

hayir sadece gereken kolonlar icin.


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

çetin bey (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7..........A12) kolonları olan bir table/cursor için örnek verebilirmisiniz cast i hepsine nasıl yapabilirim

Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Visual Fox Pro
local ix

set textmerge to memvar lcFields noshow
set textmerge on
for ix = 1 to fcount()
  if m.ix > 1
  if type(field(m.ix)) $ 'MC'
  \\ cast(<<field(m.ix)>> as c(254)) as '<<field(m.ix)>>'
  \\ <<field(m.ix)>>
set textmerge to
set textmerge off
select &lcFields from myCursor into cursor crsNewCursor


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Microsoft office yerine open office olan bilgisayarlarda exceli nasıl açabilirim.
Excel.Application hatası veriyor.


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

çetin bey çok teşekkür ederim, bu kod iftar sofrasına sıcacık ramazan pidesi gibi geldi

Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

bu kodu çalıştırdığımda   connection handle is invalid hatası çıkıyor neyi düzeltmem gerekiyor ?

cetinbasoz yazdı:
Visual Fox Pro

     DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb);
     FIL=excel 12.0;
lnHandle = SQLStringConnect(m.lcConn)
SQLTables(m.lnHandle,"", "SheetNames")
    lcTableName = Trim(SheetNames.Table_Name)
    lcOutput = Chrtran(m.lcTableName,' $','_')
    SQLExec(lnHandle,'select * from ['+m.lcTableName+']',m.lcOutput )
Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

smentes yazdı:

Microsoft office yerine open office olan bilgisayarlarda exceli nasıl açabilirim.
Excel.Application hatası veriyor.

bu konuda yardımcı olabilecek varmı acaba ?

Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)

24 Son düzenleyen, ugurlu2001 (22.12.2009 17:19:54)

Re: Excelden Veri Alma

Tarık onun için Excel.Application olmaz.

Openoffice nesnesi tanımlayıp öyle açman lazım:

Aşağıdaki kodu fikir vermesi açısından ekliyorum.
Kodun kaynağı Foxite ama Yayıncısını not almamışım:

Visual Fox Pro
***   Public code from Foxite, I don't remember the author  */ Ugur /*

***    Here is a very similar Visual FoxPro - Open Office example that.....
***    1. Creates an OOo Calc spreadsheet
***    2. Puts some strings into it.
***    3. Puts some numbers into it.
***    4. Puts some dates into it (as formulas)
***    5. Saves it in Calc format (as C:\Example.sxw)
***    6. Saves it in Excel format (as C:\Example.xls)
***    7. Closes the document -- but this line is commented to leave the spreadsheet open in OOo
***    Code:
PROCEDURE VfpOOoCalcExample()
   * Create a spreadsheet.
   LOCAL oDoc
   oDoc = OOoOpenURL( "private:factory/scalc" )
   * Get first sheet
   LOCAL oSheet
   oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex( 0 )
   * Put some sales figures onto the sheet.
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 0 ).setString( "Month" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 0 ).setString( "Sales" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 0 ).setString( "End Date" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 1 ).setString( "Jan" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 2 ).setString( "Feb" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 3 ).setString( "Mar" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 4 ).setString( "Apr" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 5 ).setString( "May" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 6 ).setString( "Jun" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 7 ).setString( "Jul" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 8 ).setString( "Aug" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 9 ).setString( "Sep" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 10 ).setString( "Oct" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 11 ).setString( "Nov" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 12 ).setString( "Dec" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 1 ).setValue( 3826.37 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 2 ).setValue( 3504.21 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 3 ).setValue( 2961.45 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 4 ).setValue( 2504.12 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 5 ).setValue( 2713.98 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 6 ).setValue( 2448.17 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 7 ).setValue( 1802.13 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 8 ).setValue( 2203.22 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 9 ).setValue( 1502.54 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 10 ).setValue( 1207.68 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 11 ).setValue( 1819.71 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 12 ).setValue( 986.03 )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 1 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;01;31)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 2 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;02;29)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 3 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;03;31)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 4 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;04;30)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 5 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;05;31)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 6 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;06;30)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 7 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;07;31)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 8 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;08;31)" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 9 ).setFormula( "=DATE(2004;09;30)" )
   * Note that these last three dates are not set as DATE() function calls.
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 10 ).setFormula( "10/31/2004" )
   oSheet.getCellByPosition( 2, 11 ).setFormula( "11/30/2004" )
   oSheet.getCellRangeByName( "C13" ).setFormula( "12/31/2004" )
   * Format the date cells as dates.   
   oFormats = oDoc.getNumberFormats()
   oLocale = OOoCreateStruct( "com.sun.star.lang.Locale" )
   * com.sun.star.util.NumberFormat.DATE = 2
   nDateKey = oFormats.getStandardFormat( 2, oLocale )
   oCell = oSheet.getCellRangeByName( "C2:C13" )
   oCell.NumberFormat = nDateKey
   LOCAL ARRAY aOneArg[1]
   LOCAL cFile, cURL
*   cFile = GetDesktopFolderPathname()+"example"
   cFile = "c:\example"
   * Now save the spreadsheet.
   cURL = OOoConvertToURL( cFile + ".sxw" )
   aOneArg[1] = OOoMakePropertyValue( "Overwrite", .T. )
   oDoc.storeToUrl( cURL, @ aOneArg )
   * Now save it as Excel
   cURL = OOoConvertToURL( cFile + ".xls" )
   aOneArg[1] = OOoMakePropertyValue( "FilterName", "MS Excel 97" )
   oDoc.storeToUrl( cURL, @ aOneArg )
   * Close the document.
*   oDoc.close( 1 ) && TRUE
* Open or Create a document from it's URL.
* New documents are created by URL's such as:
*   private:factory/sdraw
*   private:factory/swriter
*   private:factory/scalc
*   private:factory/simpress
*   LOCAL oPropertyValue
*   oPropertyValue = OOoCreateStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
*   LOCAL ARRAY aNoArgs[1]
*   aNoArgs[1] = oPropertyValue
*   aNoArgs[1].Name = "ReadOnly"
*   aNoArgs[1].Value = .F.
   * These two lines replace the alternate version above,
   *  which are left commented for the insight they provide.
   LOCAL ARRAY aNoArgs[1]
   aNoArgs[1] = OOoMakePropertyValue( "Hidden", .F. )
   LOCAL oDesktop
   oDesktop = OOoGetDesktop()
   LOCAL oDoc
   oDoc = oDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl( cURL, "_blank", 0, @ aNoargs )
   * Make sure that arrays passed to this document are passed zero based.
   COMARRAY( oDoc, 10 )
   RETURN oDoc
* Create a com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue struct and return it.
FUNCTION OOoMakePropertyValue( cName, uValue, nHandle, nState )
   LOCAL oPropertyValue
   oPropertyValue = OOoCreateStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
   oPropertyValue.Name = cName
   oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
   IF TYPE([nHandle])="N"
      oPropertyValue.Handle = nHandle
   IF TYPE([nState])="N"
      oPropertyValue.State = nState
   RETURN oPropertyValue
* Sugar coated routine to create any UNO struct.
* Use the Bridge_GetStruct() feature of the OLE-UNO bridge.
FUNCTION OOoCreateStruct( cTypeName )
   LOCAL oServiceManager
   oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
   LOCAL oStruct
   oStruct = .NULL.
   LOCAL cOldErrHandler
   cOldErrHandler = ON( "ERROR" )
   ON ERROR = DoNothing__ErrorHandler( ERROR(), MESSAGE(), LINENO(), SYS(16), PROGRAM(), SYS(2018) )
      oStruct = oServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct( cTypeName )
   ON ERROR &cOldErrHandler
   IF ISNULL( oStruct )
      oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
      oStruct = oServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct( cTypeName )
   RETURN oStruct
* Return the OpenOffice.org desktop object.
* Cache it in a global variable.
* Create it if not already cached.
FUNCTION OOoGetDesktop()
   IF (TYPE([goOOoDesktop])!="O")  OR  ISNULL( goOOoDesktop )
      PUBLIC goOOoDesktop
      goOOoDesktop = OOoServiceManager_CreateInstance( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" )
      COMARRAY( goOOoDesktop, 10 )
   RETURN goOOoDesktop
* Return the OpenOffice.org service manager object.
* Cache it in a global variable.
* Create it if not already cached.
FUNCTION OOoGetServiceManager()
   IF (TYPE([goOOoServiceManager])!="O")  OR  ISNULL( goOOoServiceManager )
      PUBLIC goOOoServiceManager
      goOOoServiceManager = CREATEOBJECT( "com.sun.star.ServiceManager" )
   RETURN goOOoServiceManager
* Sugar coated routine to ask the service manager to
*  create you an instance of some other OpenOffice.org UNO object.
FUNCTION OOoServiceManager_CreateInstance( cServiceName )
   LOCAL oServiceManager
   oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
   LOCAL oInstance
   oInstance = .NULL.
   LOCAL cOldErrHandler
   cOldErrHandler = ON( "ERROR" )
   ON ERROR = DoNothing__ErrorHandler( ERROR(), MESSAGE(), LINENO(), SYS(16), PROGRAM(), SYS(2018) )
      oInstance = oServiceManager.createInstance( cServiceName )
   ON ERROR &cOldErrHandler
   IF ISNULL( oInstance )
      oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
      oInstance = oServiceManager.createInstance( cServiceName )
   RETURN oInstance
PROCEDURE DoNothing__ErrorHandler( pnError, pcErrMessage, pnLineNo, pcProgramFileSys16, pcProgram, pcErrorParamSys2018 )
PROCEDURE __OOoReleaseCachedVars()
   RELEASE goOOoServiceManager, goOOoDesktop, goOOoCoreReflection
* Convert a local filename to an OOo URL.
FUNCTION OOoConvertToURL( cFilename )
   * Ensure leading slash.
   IF LEFT( cFilename, 1 ) != "/"
      cFileName = "/" + cFileName
   cURL = CHRTRAN( cFilename, "\", "/" )   && change backslashes to forward slashes.
   cURL = "
file://" + cURL
stirfry (Programmer)     
4 Dec 08 12:51
Thanks ronald777. star for you.
Thats the best conversion I have ever seen!
You should write it up as a FAQ
Nifrabar (Programmer)     
9 Dec 08 10:29
I once found this code somewhere on the net.
Maybe this helps you again a step further.
Calc is included as well.
*    Library of routines to manipulate OpenOffice.org.
* http://kosh.datateamsys.com/~danny/OOo/VisualFoxPro-OOo/LibOOo-2003-11-17-01.prg
*    Public API
*    High level routines.
* Return .T. if OpenOffice.org is installed.
* Return .F. if not installed.
FUNCTION OOoIsInstalled()
    LOCAL oServiceManager
    oServiceManager = .NULL.
    LOCAL cOldErrHandler
    cOldErrHandler = ON( "ERROR" )
    ON ERROR = DoNothing__ErrorHandler( ERROR(), MESSAGE(), LINENO(), SYS(16), PROGRAM(), SYS(2018) )
        oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
    ON ERROR &cOldErrHandler
    * If we could create a Service Manager,
    *  then OpenOffice.org must be installed.
    RETURN NOT ISNULL( oServiceManager )
* Easy way to create a new Draw document.
FUNCTION OOoCreateNewDrawDocument()
    LOCAL oDrawDoc
    oDrawDoc = OOoOpenURL( "private:factory/sdraw" )
    RETURN oDrawDoc
* Easy way to create a new Writer document.
FUNCTION OOoCreateNewWriterDocument()
    LOCAL oWriterDoc
    oWriterDoc = OOoOpenURL( "private:factory/swriter" )
    RETURN oWriterDoc
* Easy way to create a new Calc document.
FUNCTION OOoCreateNewCalcDocument()
    LOCAL oCalcDoc
    oCalcDoc = OOoOpenURL( "private:factory/scalc" )
    RETURN oCalcDoc
* Easy way to create a new Impress document.
FUNCTION OOoCreateNewImpressDocument()
    LOCAL oImpressDoc
    oImpressDoc = OOoOpenURL( "private:factory/simpress" )
    RETURN oImpressDoc
FUNCTION OOoOpenFile( cFilename )
    cURL = OOoConvertToURL( cFilename )
    LOCAL oDoc
    oDoc = OOoOpenURL( cURL )
    RETURN oDoc
PROCEDURE OOoTerminateProgram()
    LOCAL oDesktop
    oDesktop = OOoGetDesktop()
* Convert a local filename to an OOo URL.
FUNCTION OOoConvertToURL( cFilename )
    * Ensure leading slash.
    IF LEFT( cFilename, 1 ) != "/"
        cFileName = "/" + cFileName
    cURL = CHRTRAN( cFilename, "\", "/" )    && change backslashes to forward slashes.
    cURL = "
file://" + cURL
*    Draw specific tools
* Page zero is the first page.
* Once you have a drawing document, obtain one of its pages.
FUNCTION OOoGetDrawPage( oDrawDoc, nPageNum )
    LOCAL oPages
    oPages = oDrawDoc.GetDrawPages()
    LOCAL oPage
    oPage = oPages.GetByIndex( nPageNum )
    RETURN oPage
* Given a draw document, create a shape.
* The shape must be added to the draw page, by calling
*  the draw page's Add() method.
* The oPosition and oSize arguments are optional, but you may
*  pass a Point and Size struct for these arguments.
FUNCTION OOoMakeRectangleShape( oDrawDoc, oPosition, oSize )
    LOCAL oShape
    oShape = OOoMakeShape( oDrawDoc, "com.sun.star.drawing.RectangleShape", oPosition, oSize )
    RETURN oShape
FUNCTION OOoMakeEllipseShape( oDrawDoc, oPosition, oSize )
    LOCAL oShape
    oShape = OOoMakeShape( oDrawDoc, "com.sun.star.drawing.EllipseShape", oPosition, oSize )
    RETURN oShape
FUNCTION OOoMakeLineShape( oDrawDoc, oPosition, oSize )
    LOCAL oShape
    oShape = OOoMakeShape( oDrawDoc, "com.sun.star.drawing.LineShape", oPosition, oSize )
    RETURN oShape
FUNCTION OOoMakeTextShape( oDrawDoc, oPosition, oSize )
    LOCAL oShape
    oShape = OOoMakeShape( oDrawDoc, "com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape", oPosition, oSize )
    RETURN oShape
* Create and return a Point struct.
FUNCTION OOoPosition( nX, nY )
    LOCAL oPoint
    oPoint = OOoCreateStruct( "com.sun.star.awt.Point" )
    oPoint.X = nX
    oPoint.Y = nY
    RETURN oPoint
* Create and return a Size struct.
FUNCTION OOoSize( nWidth, nHeight )
    LOCAL oSize
    oSize = OOoCreateStruct( "com.sun.star.awt.Size" )
    oSize.Width = nWidth
    oSize.Height = nHeight
    RETURN oSize
* Given a shape, alter its position.
PROCEDURE OOoSetPosition( oShape, nX, nY )
    LOCAL oPosition
    oPosition = oShape.Position
    oPosition.X = nX
    oPosition.Y = nY
    oShape.Position = oPosition
* Given a shape, alter its size.
PROCEDURE OOoSetSize( oShape, nWidth, nHeight )
    LOCAL oSize
    oSize = oShape.Size
    oSize.Width = nWidth
    oSize.Height = nHeight
    oShape.Size = oSize
* Given a draw document, create a shape.
* Optional:  oPosition, oSize can receive a Point or Size struct.
FUNCTION OOoMakeShape( oDrawDoc, cShapeClassName, oPosition, oSize )
    LOCAL oShape
    oShape = oDrawDoc.CreateInstance( cShapeClassName )
    IF (TYPE([oPosition])="O")  AND  (NOT ISNULL( oPosition ))
        oShape.Position = oPosition
    IF (TYPE([oSize])="O")  AND  (NOT ISNULL( oSize ))
        oShape.Size = oSize
    RETURN oShape
*    Color conversion utilities
*    --------------------------
*    Visual FoxPro and OpenOffice.org do not represent
*     color values the same way.
*    Conversion routines in both directions are provided
*     to keep things easy.
*    In addition, extremely convenient HSV routines are provided.
*    See LibGraphics for discussion of HSV color model.
* Similar to VFP's built in RGB() function.
* Pass in R,G,B values and out comes an OpenOffice.org color value.
* Note that this is DIFFERENT from how VFP constructs color values.
FUNCTION OOoRGB( nRed, nGreen, nBlue )
    RETURN BITOR( BITOR( BITLSHIFT( nRed, 16 ), BITLSHIFT( nGreen, 8 ) ), nBlue )
* Translate between a Visual FoxPro color and an OpenOffice.org color
*  by using a simple formula.
* Pass in a VFP color, out comes an OOo color.  And vice versa.
FUNCTION OOoColor( nColor )
    LOCAL nTranslatedColor
    nTranslatedColor = (INT( nColor / 65536 )) + (INT( INT( nColor / 256 ) % 256 ) * 256) + (INT( nColor % 256 ) * 65536)
    RETURN nTranslatedColor
* Extract the Red component from an OpenOffice.org color.
* SImilar to the RGBRed() function in LibGraphics.
FUNCTION OOoRed( nOOoColor )
*    RETURN INT( nOOoColor / 65536 )
    RETURN BITRSHIFT( BITAND( nOOoColor, 0x00FF0000 ), 16 )
* Extract the Green component from an OpenOffice.org color.
* SImilar to the RGBGreen() function in LibGraphics.
FUNCTION OOoGreen( nOOoColor )
*    RETURN INT( INT( nOOoColor / 256 ) % 256 )
    RETURN BITRSHIFT( BITAND( nOOoColor, 0x0000FF00 ), 8 )
* Extract the Blue component from an OpenOffice.org color.
* SImilar to the RGBBlue() function in LibGraphics.
FUNCTION OOoBlue( nOOoColor )
*    RETURN INT( nOOoColor % 256 )
    RETURN BITAND( nOOoColor, 0x000000FF )
* Convenient way to construct an OOo color from HSV components.
* See LibGraphics for information about HSV.
* Note nHue is a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
FUNCTION OOoHSV( nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness )
    LOCAL nColor
    nColor = MakeHSVColor( nHue * 6.0, nSaturation, nBrightness )
    nColor = OOoColor( nColor )
    RETURN nColor
* Convenient way to extract the Hue component from an OOo color.
* See LibGraphics for information about HSV.
* Note nHue is a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
FUNCTION OOoHue( nOOoColor )
    RETURN HSVHue( OOoColor( nOOoColor ) ) / 6.0
* Convenient way to extract the Saturation component from an OOo color.
* See LibGraphics for information about HSV.
FUNCTION OOoSaturation( nOOoColor )
    RETURN HSVSaturation( OOoColor( nOOoColor ) )
* Convenient way to extract the Brightness component from an OOo color.
* See LibGraphics for information about HSV.
FUNCTION OOoBrightness( nOOoColor )
    RETURN HSVValue( OOoColor( nOOoColor ) )
PROCEDURE DoNothing__ErrorHandler( pnError, pcErrMessage, pnLineNo, pcProgramFileSys16, pcProgram, pcErrorParamSys2018 )
* Return the OpenOffice.org service manager object.
* Cache it in a global variable.
* Create it if not already cached.
FUNCTION OOoGetServiceManager()
    IF (TYPE([goOOoServiceManager])!="O")  OR  ISNULL( goOOoServiceManager )
        PUBLIC goOOoServiceManager
        goOOoServiceManager = CREATEOBJECT( "com.sun.star.ServiceManager" )
    RETURN goOOoServiceManager
* Sugar coated routine to ask the service manager to
*  create you an instance of some other OpenOffice.org UNO object.
FUNCTION OOoServiceManager_CreateInstance( cServiceName )
    LOCAL oServiceManager
    oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
    LOCAL oInstance
    oInstance = .NULL.
    LOCAL cOldErrHandler
    cOldErrHandler = ON( "ERROR" )
    ON ERROR = DoNothing__ErrorHandler( ERROR(), MESSAGE(), LINENO(), SYS(16), PROGRAM(), SYS(2018) )
        oInstance = oServiceManager.createInstance( cServiceName )
    ON ERROR &cOldErrHandler
    IF ISNULL( oInstance )
        oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
        oInstance = oServiceManager.createInstance( cServiceName )
    RETURN oInstance
* Sugar coated routine to create any UNO struct.
* Use the Bridge_GetStruct() feature of the OLE-UNO bridge.
FUNCTION OOoCreateStruct( cTypeName )
    LOCAL oServiceManager
    oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
    LOCAL oStruct
    oStruct = .NULL.
    LOCAL cOldErrHandler
    cOldErrHandler = ON( "ERROR" )
    ON ERROR = DoNothing__ErrorHandler( ERROR(), MESSAGE(), LINENO(), SYS(16), PROGRAM(), SYS(2018) )
        oStruct = oServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct( cTypeName )
    ON ERROR &cOldErrHandler
    IF ISNULL( oStruct )
        oServiceManager = OOoGetServiceManager()
        oStruct = oServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct( cTypeName )
    RETURN oStruct
* Return the OpenOffice.org desktop object.
* Cache it in a global variable.
* Create it if not already cached.
FUNCTION OOoGetDesktop()
    IF (TYPE([goOOoDesktop])!="O")  OR  ISNULL( goOOoDesktop )
        PUBLIC goOOoDesktop
        goOOoDesktop = OOoServiceManager_CreateInstance( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" )
        COMARRAY( goOOoDesktop, 10 )
    RETURN goOOoDesktop
*!*    * Return an instance of com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection.
*!*    * Cache it in a global variable.
*!*    * Create it if not already cached.
*!*    FUNCTION OOoGetCoreReflection()
*!*        IF (TYPE([goOOoCoreReflection])!="O")  OR  ISNULL( goOOoCoreReflection )
*!*            PUBLIC goOOoCoreReflection
*!*            goOOoCoreReflection = OOoServiceManager_CreateInstance( "com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection" )
*!*            COMARRAY( goOOoCoreReflection, 10 )
*!*        ENDIF
*!*        RETURN goOOoCoreReflection
*!*    ENDFUNC
*!*    * Create a UNO struct object and return it.
*!*    * This routine is now obsolete.
*!*    * See a superior implementation of this routine elsewhere
*!*    *  which uses the Bridge_GetStruct() feature of the OLE-UNO bridge.
*!*    FUNCTION OOoCreateStruct( cTypeName )
*!*        * Ask service manager for a CoreReflection object.
*!*        LOCAL oCoreReflection
*!*        oCoreReflection = OOoGetCoreReflection()
*!*        * Get the IDL Class for the type name.
*!*        LOCAL oXIdlClass
*!*        oXIdlClass = .NULL.
*!*        LOCAL cOldErrHandler
*!*        cOldErrHandler = ON( "ERROR" )
*!*        ON ERROR = DoNothing__ErrorHandler( ERROR(), MESSAGE(), LINENO(), SYS(16), PROGRAM(), SYS(2018) )
*!*            oXIdlClass = oCoreReflection.forName( cTypeName )
*!*        ON ERROR &cOldErrHandler
*!*        IF ISNULL( oXIdlClass )
*!*            =__OOoReleaseCachedVars()
*!*            oCoreReflection = OOoGetCoreReflection()
*!*            oXIdlClass = oCoreReflection.forName( cTypeName )
*!*        ENDIF
*!*        * Create a variable to hold the created Struct.
*!*        * Assign it some initial value.
*!*        LOCAL oStruct
*!*        oStruct = CREATEOBJECT( "relation" ) && assign some kind of object initially
*!*        * Ask the class definition to create an instance.
*!*        oXIdlClass.CreateObject( @oStruct )
*!*        RETURN oStruct
*!*    ENDFUNC
* Create a com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue struct and return it.
FUNCTION OOoPropertyValue( cName, uValue, nHandle, nState )
    LOCAL oPropertyValue
    oPropertyValue = OOoCreateStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
    oPropertyValue.Name = cName
    oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
    IF TYPE([nHandle])="N"
        oPropertyValue.Handle = nHandle
    IF TYPE([nState])="N"
        oPropertyValue.State = nState
    RETURN oPropertyValue
* Open or Create a document from it's URL.
* New documents are created by URL's such as:
*    private:factory/sdraw
*    private:factory/swriter
*    private:factory/scalc
*    private:factory/simpress
*    LOCAL oPropertyValue
*    oPropertyValue = OOoCreateStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
*    LOCAL ARRAY aNoArgs[1]
*    aNoArgs[1] = oPropertyValue
*    aNoArgs[1].Name = "ReadOnly"
*    aNoArgs[1].Value = .F.
    * These two lines replace the alternate version above,
    *  which are left commented for the insight they provide.
    LOCAL ARRAY aNoArgs[1]
    aNoArgs[1] = OOoPropertyValue( "Hidden", .F. )
    LOCAL oDesktop
    oDesktop = OOoGetDesktop()
    LOCAL oDoc
    oDoc = oDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl( cURL, "_blank", 0, @ aNoargs )
    * Make sure that arrays passed to this document are passed zero based.
    COMARRAY( oDoc, 10 )
    RETURN oDoc
PROCEDURE __OOoReleaseCachedVars()
    RELEASE goOOoServiceManager, goOOoDesktop, goOOoCoreReflection
* Experimental stuff
*oDoc = OOoOpenFile( GetDesktopFolderPathname() + "test.sxw" )
* This is an attempt to print a document.
PROCEDURE PrintExperiment( oDoc )
    LOCAL ARRAY aArgs[1]
    aArgs[1] = OOoPropertyValue( "CopyCount", 1, -1, 0 )
*    aArgs[1] = OOoPropertyValue( "Collate", .F. )
    oDoc.Print( @ aArgs )
    * Create a drawing.
    LOCAL oDoc
    oDoc = OOoCreateNewDrawDocument()
    * Get the first page of the drawing.
    LOCAL oPage
    oPage = OOoGetDrawPage( oDoc, 0 )
    LOCAL nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness
    LOCAL nRow, nCol
    LOCAL oShape
    * Now let's draw some rectangles.
    *    Notes about HSV color notation.
    * Imagine hue is a "rainbow" of colors, from 0.0 to 1.0.
    * 0.0 is red, then you progress to orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and
    *  then back to red again.  (Not like a real rainbow.)  1.0 is red also.
    * HSV colors are easy for HUMANS, while RGB colors are easy for COMPUTERS.
    * Quick, what is the RGB for Pink?  Brown?
    * In HSV, you would think Pink is a low-saturation red at full brightness,
    *  thus you could say H=0.0, S=0.5, B=1.0; and that's off the top of my head.
    * Brown is a low brightness Orange, so H=0.0888, S=1.0, B=0.6; right out of thin air.
    * Need a highly contrasting color?  Easy in HSV coordinates.
    * Just pick the opposite hue, maybe maximize saturation (opposite of other color),
    *  and maybe also a min or max brightness.  Can't easily come up with highly
    *  contrasting colors in RGB coordinates in RGB space.
    * Need to "soften" colors?  Take each HSV coordinate, and lower the saturation
    *  by 10 %.
    * Need to "darken" colors?  Lower the brightness of each pixel by 10 %.
    * Let's vary the hue and saturation, while keeping the brightness constant.
    * But you could vary any two parameters, while keeping the third constant.
    nBrightness = 1.0 && full brightness
    FOR nRow = 0 TO 9
        FOR nCol = 0 TO 9
            * Create a shape
            oShape = OOoMakeRectangleShape( oDoc )
            * Calculate color
            nHue = nCol / 9 && hue varies *across* by column
            nSaturation = nRow / 9 && saturation varies *down* by row
            * set color of shape
            * oShape.FillColor = OOoRGB( 255, 255, 255 )
            oShape.FillColor = OOoHSV( nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness )
            * Position and size the shape
            OOoSetSize( oShape, 500, 500 ) && 1/2 cm by 1/2 cm
            OOoSetPosition( oShape, 1000 + nCol * 600, 1000 + nRow * 600 )
            * Add shape to page
            oPage.Add( oShape )
    * Let's vary the hue and saturation, while keeping the brightness constant.
    * This time, we'll use less-brightness
    * But you could vary any two parameters, while keeping the third constant.
    nBrightness = 0.7 && less brightness
    FOR nRow = 0 TO 9
        FOR nCol = 0 TO 9
            * Create a shape
            oShape = OOoMakeRectangleShape( oDoc )
            * Calculate color
            nHue = nCol / 9 && hue varies *across* by column
            nSaturation = nRow / 9 && saturation varies *down* by row
            * set color of shape
            oShape.FillColor = OOoHSV( nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness )
            * Position and size the shape
            OOoSetSize( oShape, 500, 500 ) && 1/2 cm by 1/2 cm
            OOoSetPosition( oShape, 9000 + nCol * 600, 1000 + nRow * 600 )
            * Add shape to page
            oPage.Add( oShape )
    * Let's vary the hue and brightness, while keeping the saturation constant.
    * But you could vary any two parameters, while keeping the third constant.
    nSaturation = 1.0 && full saturation
    FOR nRow = 0 TO 9
        FOR nCol = 0 TO 9
            * Create a shape
            oShape = OOoMakeRectangleShape( oDoc )
            * Calculate color
            nHue = nRow / 9 && hue varies *down* by row
            nBrightness = nCol / 9 && brightness varies *across* by column
            * set color of shape
            oShape.FillColor = OOoHSV( nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness )
            * Position and size the shape
            OOoSetSize( oShape, 500, 500 ) && 1/2 cm by 1/2 cm
            OOoSetPosition( oShape, 1000 + nCol * 600, 9000 + nRow * 600 )
            * Add shape to page
            oPage.Add( oShape )
    * Let's vary the saturation and brightness, while keeping the hue constant.
    * The hue will be yellow.
    * But you could vary any two parameters, while keeping the third constant.
    nHue = 0.1666 && yellow
    FOR nRow = 0 TO 9
        FOR nCol = 0 TO 9
            * Create a shape
            oShape = OOoMakeRectangleShape( oDoc )
            * Calculate color
            nSaturation = nRow / 9 && saturation varies *down* by row
            nBrightness = nCol / 9 && brightness varies *across* by column
            * set color of shape
            oShape.FillColor = OOoHSV( nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness )
            * Position and size the shape
            OOoSetSize( oShape, 500, 500 ) && 1/2 cm by 1/2 cm
            OOoSetPosition( oShape, 9000 + nCol * 600, 9000 + nRow * 600 )
            * Add shape to page
            oPage.Add( oShape )
    * Gee, you don't suppose someone out there could take the knowledge represented
    *  by this code and figure out how to make OpenOffice.org draw bar charts?
    * Create a spreadsheet.
    LOCAL oDoc
    oDoc = OOoCreateNewCalcDocument()
    * Get first sheet
    LOCAL oSheet
    oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex( 0 )
    * Plug in some stuff...
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 0 ).setFormula( "Month" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 0 ).setFormula( "Sales" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 1 ).setFormula( "Jan" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 2 ).setFormula( "Feb" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 3 ).setFormula( "Mar" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 4 ).setFormula( "Apr" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 5 ).setFormula( "May" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 6 ).setFormula( "Jun" )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 1 ).setValue( 3826 )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 2 ).setValue( 3504 )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 3 ).setValue( 2961 )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 4 ).setValue( 2504 )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 5 ).setValue( 2102 )
    oSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 6 ).setValue( 1756 )
    LOCAL ARRAY aOneArg[1]
    LOCAL cFile, cURL
*    cFile = GetDesktopFolderPathname()+"example"
    cFile = "c:\example"
    * Now save the spreadsheet.
    cURL = OOoConvertToURL( cFile + ".sxw" )
    aOneArg[1] = OOoPropertyValue( "Overwrite", .T. )
    oDoc.storeToUrl( cURL, @ aOneArg )
    * Now save it as Excel
    cURL = OOoConvertToURL( cFile + ".xls" )
    aOneArg[1] = OOoPropertyValue( "FilterName", "MS Excel 97" )
    oDoc.storeToUrl( cURL, @ aOneArg )
PROCEDURE CreateHueRainbow()
    * Create a drawing.
    LOCAL oDoc
    oDoc = OOoCreateNewDrawDocument()
    * Get the first page of the drawing.
    LOCAL oPage
    oPage = OOoGetDrawPage( oDoc, 0 )
    LOCAL nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness
    LOCAL nCol
    LOCAL oShape
    * Now let's draw some rectangles.
    * Let's vary the hue and saturation, while keeping the brightness constant.
    * But you could vary any two parameters, while keeping the third constant.
    nBrightness = 1.0 && full brightness
    nSaturation = 1.0 && full saturation
    FOR nCol = 0 TO 200
        * Create a shape
        oShape = OOoMakeRectangleShape( oDoc )
        * Calculate color
        nHue = nCol / 200 && hue varies *across* by column
        * set color of shape
        * oShape.FillColor = OOoRGB( 255, 255, 255 )
        oShape.FillColor = OOoHSV( nHue, nSaturation, nBrightness )
        * Position and size the shape
        OOoSetSize( oShape, 52, 2000 ) && 0.05 cm by 2 cm
        OOoSetPosition( oShape, 1000 + nCol * 50, 1000 )
        oShape.LineStyle = 0
        * Add shape to page
        oPage.Add( oShape )
    LOCAL cFile, cURL
*    cFile = GetDesktopFolderPathname()+"hue rainbow"
    cFile = "c:\hue rainbow"
    cURL = OOoConvertToURL( cFile + ".sxd" )
    LOCAL ARRAY aOneArg[1]
    aOneArg[1] = OOoPropertyValue( "Overwrite", .T. )
    oDoc.storeAsUrl( cURL, @ aOneArg )
*    oDoc.dispose()
Hayat bir bisiklete binmek gibidir. Pedalı çevirmeye devam ettiğiniz sürece düşmezsiniz. Claude Peppeer
Kusuru söylenmeyen adam, ayıbını hüner sanır.  Türk Atasözü


Re: Excelden Veri Alma

bu kod sanırım open office dosyasını excele kaydetmekle ilgili.
bendeki sorun şu ETA dan excele veri gönderiyoruz, ama makinamızda excel yüklü değil(open office yüklü)
aşağıdaki gibi kod yazıp verileri dbf çeviriyordum. ama şimdi excel yüklü olmadığı için çalışmıyor,

Visual Fox Pro

DELETE FILE c:\ikallis.xls
m.lcexcel1 = ALLTRIM(thisform.text1.Value)
thisform.text1.Enabled= .f.
Local loExcel As "Excel.Application"
m.loExcel = Createobject("Excel.Application")
With m.loExcel As "Excel.Application"
     With .ActiveWorkbook
        .ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = "A1"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value = "A2"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("C1").Value = "A3"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("D1").Value = "A4"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("E1").Value = "A5"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("F1").Value = "A6"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("G1").Value = "A7"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("H1").Value = "A8"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("I1").Value = "A9"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("j1").Value = "A10"
        .ActiveSheet.Range("k1").Value = "A11"         
m.loExcel = Null
lcXLS = "c:\ikallis.xls"
lcConn = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};"+;
lnHandle = SQLStringConnect(lcConn)
SQLTables(lnHandle,"", "SheetNames")
    lcTableName = Trim(SheetNames.Table_Name)
    lcOutput = Chrtran(m.lcTableName,' $','_')
    SQLExec(lnHandle,'select * from ['+m.lcTableName+']',m.lcOutput )
Kader, beyaz kağıda sütle yazılmış yazı
Elindeyse beyazdan, gel de sıyır beyazı. (NFK)