Konu: Greetings Fox4um!


My name is Kevin Ragsdale. I am a Visual FoxPro developer, living in Manchester, Tennessee in the United States.

I found Fox4um through my friend, Soykan ÖZÇELİK, who I met online shortly after I presented the Desktop Alerts session at the FoxForward Conference last September. Soykan has used the Desktop Alerts for his needs, and I'm very glad we have become friends.

I've been using FoxPro since 1993, and recently presented the Desktop Alerts at the Chicago Fox Users Group and Detroit Fox Users Group. This May, I'll be presenting three sessions at Advisor DevCon in Anaheim, California.

I hope to do some more work throughout this year, creating more components to help extend VFP and Sedna. It's an exciting time to be a Visual FoxPro developer!

Kevin Ragsdale
http://www.pc-interactive.com/foxisapi/ … age.pciweb


Re: Greetings Fox4um!

kevin yazdı:


My name is Kevin Ragsdale. I am a Visual FoxPro developer, living in Manchester, Tennessee in the United States.

I found Fox4um through my friend, Soykan ÖZÇELİK, who I met online shortly after I presented the Desktop Alerts session at the FoxForward Conference last September. Soykan has used the Desktop Alerts for his needs, and I'm very glad we have become friends.

I've been using FoxPro since 1993, and recently presented the Desktop Alerts at the Chicago Fox Users Group and Detroit Fox Users Group. This May, I'll be presenting three sessions at Advisor DevCon in Anaheim, California.

I hope to do some more work throughout this year, creating more components to help extend VFP and Sedna. It's an exciting time to be a Visual FoxPro developer!

Kevin Ragsdale

Amerika dan dostum Kevin benim için birseyler yazmis ,

Sizin için çevirmek istedim,
" Adım Kevin Ragsdale,VFP programcısıyım,ABD,Tennessee,Manchester da yasiyorum.
fox4um u arkadasim Soykan OZCELIK sayesinde tanidim,kendisi ile gectigimiz yil eylul Desktop Alerts foxforward konferansi sonrasi tanistim,Kendisi bu utility yi kendi ihtiyaclari icin kullaniyor.Yeni arkadaslar edindigim icinde mutluyum.
FoxPro yu 1993 yilindan beri kullaniyorum,son olarak Detroitte Chicago fox kullanicilari grubunda Desktop Alerts i tanıttım.Advisor Con dada (Anaheim,California) üç sunum yapacagim saniyorum.
Umarım bu yıl VFP ve Sedna nın gelişmesi içinde bileşenler üretecegim.VFP gelistiricileri icin heyecanli olacak"

Kevin Ragsdale


Re: Greetings Fox4um!

Hi Kevin,
Would you tell us more what 'Desktop Alerts' is about?


Re: Greetings Fox4um!

Desktop alert aynen msn de biri online oldugunda sag alt ta acilan pencere gibi acilan ve mesaj goruntuleyen bir uygulama ben bunu todolist te tamamlanmamis gorevlerin hatirlatmasi icin kullaniyorum.

program parametrelerinde ne kadar ara ile tamamlanmamis gorev taramasi yapilacak degerine gore start.prg de devreye giren bir timer bu isi yapiyor,kisaca "Desktop Alert" bu.


Re: Greetings Fox4um!

Bu ürün hakkında detaylı bir web sayfası var mı?



Re: Greetings Fox4um!

taRKan yazdı:

Bu ürün hakkında detaylı bir web sayfası var mı?

http://www.pc-interactive.com/foxisapi/ … ads.pciweb


Re: Greetings Fox4um!

cetinbasoz yazdı:

Hi Kevin,
Would you tell us more what 'Desktop Alerts' is about?

Hi Cetin,

The Desktop Alerts mimic the Outlook 2003/2007 Desktop Alerts. It can be run as a COM server, accessible from any COM client.

Here's a link to a short video I did:

http://vfptv.com/flash/DesktopAlertsInt … roSWF.html



Re: Greetings Fox4um!

Thanks for the info and link:)