Konu: Label captions bolding

I have the Foxyclasses Locatorgrid on a form, and then labels and textboxes/editboxes on the form.

When I click the grid column headers to change the sorting of the columns, all label captions on the form gets bolder. After 3-4 clicks, they are bold (and are not becoming any bolder), an, if you look at them with a magnifying glass, you can see a red outline on the letters.

Would anyone know why this happens, and what one can do about it?


Hans L


Re: Label captions bolding

If I turn off Windows 7 ClearType, the bolding does not occur. I have always had ClearType on, in in none of my other applications does this bolding occur. Any tips?


Hans L


Re: Label captions bolding

I have read a lot about this problem now, and I have seen tthis, among other things:

http://www.foxite.com/archives/form-lab … 227402.htm

"Yes, I just tried it, and - yes, same behavior, and only if I use "Shadowed" option. I tried to look up the code - and found that this form consists of number of custom-subclassed custom classes, I gave up and won't go any further. So - I suspect that the one who wrote that ShadowMemo class (it's not the standard labe, FYI) did very poor job either for calculating the dimensions of that shadow (bound to navigation through the underlying recordsource), or didn't took into consideration all the factors for monitors, video drivers and/or WinOS versions."

And this:

http://www.foxite.com/archives/form-lab … 227471.htm

You may solve this problem by just assigning these label properties:
label.backstyle=1 && Opaque
label.backcolor=thisform.backcolor && the container backcolor

Is there anything in Foxyclasses that makes this happen, and what could be changed?


Hans L


Re: Label captions bolding

Setting label BackgStyle to Opaque and its BackColor to the same value as the form's BackColor solves the problem. Of course, it is not ideal.

Hans L


Re: Label captions bolding

I am not sure I understoodd it but try setting themes = .f.


Re: Label captions bolding

Cetin, I set

_SCREEN.Themes - .F.

and the form's Themes property to .F.,

but neither helped.

_SCREEN.Themes = .F. changed some colors on my main menu only.

Did I understand you correctly?


Hans L


Re: Label captions bolding

Rereading it again I see your problem. No, FoxyClasses has nothing to do with it except that in its AfterRowColChange event there is a call to this.parent.Refresh() (and after column ordering there is a call to refresh as I remember). I didn't see the problem myself on windows 7 (never played with cleartype settings).


Re: Label captions bolding

As I understand, it is a MS problem, either VFP or Windows. I think that I will do what I did before, use setall() to set all label captions to opaque and their backcolors to the same as the form's.


Hans L


Re: Label captions bolding

By setting this in the firms Init method ...

Visual Fox Pro


... instead of using the Project Manager, the smudging of the label captions do not happen.


Hans L