Konu: Main Visual FoxPro window

In finished applications, is the main Visual FoxPro window usually shown or is it not? What would the reason be for showing it or not showing it?


Hans L


Re: Main Visual FoxPro window

Depends. VFP, by default, is geared towards MDI (Multiple Documents Interface) as opposed to SDI ( Single Document Interface ) in other languages, tools. In VFP, it is generally easier to create interfaces where the main VFP window is visible as a 'host container' for other windows. With main window invisible, you should be aware of things like 'a modal form cannot be a top level form', 'a messagebox window unless used with system flag -4096- shows only in main window', 'top level forms cannot be docked' and things like that. I have a few applications that use top level forms only (no main window) and IMHO it is harder to control such an interface compared to the ones with a main window.


Re: Main Visual FoxPro window

Cetin, thank you for that clear explanation. This is one of the more basic issues that I have not had to deal with in the past, but which I now have to start thinking about and resolve. IN my case, I'll leave the main window showing.


Hans L