Konu: Yapmayin, sadece yapilabilir diye bir ornek

Baska foruma postalamisken buraya da koyayim dedim:

Visual Fox Pro
Public oForm

oForm = Createobject('SampleForm')
Define Class SampleForm As Form
  Height = 300
  Width = 520
  Add Object grdCustomer As Grid With ;
  Procedure Load
    Set Multilocks On
    Use (_samples+'data\customer')
  Procedure Init
    With This.grdCustomer.Columns(1) As Column
      .CurrentControl = 'myCustomer'
      .Sparse = .F.
      .Width = 500
      .myCustomer.Visible = .T.
Define Class myCustomer As Container
  Width = 500
  Height = 300
  BackStyle = 0
  BorderWidth = 0
  Add Object lblcust_id As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 0,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Cust_id"
  Add Object txtcust_id As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 0,  Width = 55, ControlSource = "customer.cust_id"
  Add Object lblcompany As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 25,    AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Company"
  Add Object txtcompany As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 25,  Width = 280, ControlSource = "customer.company"
  Add Object lblcontact As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 50,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Contact"
  Add Object txtcontact As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 50,  Width = 220, ControlSource = "customer.contact"
  Add Object lbltitle As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 75,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Title"
  Add Object txttitle As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 75,  Width = 220, ControlSource = "customer.title"
  Add Object lbladdress As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 100,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Address"
  Add Object txtaddress As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 100,  Width = 430, ControlSource = "customer.address"
  Add Object lblcity As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 125,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "City"
  Add Object txtcity As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 125,  Width = 120, ControlSource = "customer.city"
  Add Object lblregion As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 150,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Region"
  Add Object txtregion As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 150,  Width = 120, ControlSource = "customer.region"
  Add Object lblpostalcode As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 175,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Postalcode"
  Add Object txtpostalcode As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 175,  Width = 80, ControlSource = "customer.postalcode"
  Add Object lblcountry As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 200,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Country"
  Add Object txtcountry As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 200,  Width = 115, ControlSource = "customer.country"
  Add Object lblphone As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 225,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Phone"
  Add Object txtphone As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 225,  Width = 180, ControlSource = "customer.phone"
  Add Object lblfax As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 250,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Fax"
  Add Object txtfax As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 250,  Width = 180, ControlSource = "customer.fax"
  Add Object lblmaxordamt As Label With ;
    Left = 0, Top = 275,  AutoSize = .T., BackStyle = 0, Caption = "Maxordamt"
  Add Object txtmaxordamt As TextBox With ;
    Left = 70, Top = 275,  Width = 70, ControlSource = "customer.maxordamt"